Coffin Cut #1: Chickenshit "Death in Battle" 7"
Total: 500 copies; 250 white and 250 red vinyl. Available.
- 32 test pressings
- 77 double packs containing both colours of vinyl in a screen printed colour sleeve with art by Spider Death
- Remainder of pressing in regular sleeves, half of all stock on red, the other half on white vinyl
Coffin Cut #2: Extortion "Demo" 7"
Total: 500 copies black vinyl. Sold out.
- 23 test pressings
- 30 pre-orders with pink scented sleeves
- 88 launch sleeves
- Remainder in regular sleeves, all black vinyl
Coffin Cut #3: Eye Gouge "Feel the Rage" flexi 7"
Total: 300 copies clear flexis. Sold out.
- 18 test pressings (I think), no centre art on tests, all clear flexis
- 1 test pressing on red flexi; this was another bands audio on the flexi, but the pressing plant used this red flexi as a test print for the artwork then sent it to me
- 35 launch sleeves
- Remainder in regular sleeves, slear flxis
Coffin Cut #4: Negative Reinforcement 5"
Total: 25 copies, lathe cut. Sold out.
- All 25 in printed H. Bosch sleeves. Sold at September 2011 Ringworm support show, Perth.
Coffin Cut #5: Negative Reinforcement "s/t" 7"
Total: 300 7"s, black vinyl. Available.
- 23 test pressings
- Remainder in regular sleeves
Coffin Cut #6: Negative Reinforcement "Dog" 12"
Total: 300 one sided 12"s, black vinyl. Available.
- 13 test pressings
- Remainder of pressing in regular sleeves, all black vinyl
Coffin Cut #7: Frozen Ocean 7"
Total: 300 random coloured vinyl, no centre labels. Available.
- 27 test pressings
- 300 7"s on random coloured vinyl in regular sleeves
Coffin Cut #8:
Coffin Cut #9: Deathcage / Unknown to God LP + 7"
Total: 300 LPs on red, white or grey, plus 100 7" on grey (for sale with grey vinyl 12"s). Available
- 27 12" test pressings
- 27 7" test pressings
- 100 LPs on red
- 100 LPs on white
- 100 LPs on grey with grey vinyl 7"
Coffin Cut #10: Rupture "Live Sex 1992" LP
Out one day
Coffin Cut #11: People Problem "Maximum Perversion" 7"
Total: 150 7"s on lime green vinyl
- 20 test pressings
- 150 7" in regular sleeves all on lime green vinyl